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Vacuum control valve bracket needed

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    Vacuum control valve bracket needed

    Help needed please.

    I am about to install a temporary 2.7 into my 72 while I get the 2.4 rebuilt.

    As you know, I have a sporto car and the 2.7 came from AUS911's formerly sporto 75 with the thought that it would just be "plug and play". Like many, AUS911 converted to a 5 speed many years ago and conveniently lost the control valve bracket and actuating cam! (Which are totally different to the 72 MFI parts.) Only just discovered this today on setting up for the install.

    Does anyone have either of these that they never got around to throwing out and can loan or sell to me? (parts 3 and 14 in the pic.)

    Failing that, can anyone provide some dimensions so that I can fabricate a bracket?
    Attached Files
    Bill A.

    72E Sporto (still is)

    Long shot, but this bloke "might" have something...

    Does anyone recognize the Bosch part pictured? Found it in a lot I bought years ago but just cant come up with what it really is? 371107 371108 Regards Jesse



      Bugger. I have one Bill (off a 75 CIS engine) that you could have had, but everything is still in storage and I have do real idea of when I get to it. Let alone find it.

      Try Don Munro or Stan Adler - both in the Brisbane area.
      John Forcier
      1969 2.7RS spec 911B(astard)
      1968 2.0S spec 911 Race Car
      Restoration Saga
      1962 CB77 P3 TT Race Bike (looking for another engine)


        FWIW #3 is the same cam that goes on the inlet manifold of a carburettor engine.
        John Forcier
        1969 2.7RS spec 911B(astard)
        1968 2.0S spec 911 Race Car
        Restoration Saga
        1962 CB77 P3 TT Race Bike (looking for another engine)


          Thanks for your replies John and Julian.

          A small update- we found the cam! I now just need a bracket so I'll probably just make one up for the moment.

          I may take you up on your bracket, when you finally get unpacked, John. (I've still got boxes from when we moved up here 11 years ago.)

          I'm currently trying to come to grips with all the plumbing differences between MFI and CIS.
          Bill A.

          72E Sporto (still is)

