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Cycling video Andy Schleck

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    Cycling video Andy Schleck

    I am a cycling tragic, spending hours every week in the saddle, and I love all aspects of it from being involved in racing, to the tech aspects to working on friends bikes, to owning way too many, and from sunday night starts 3 weeks of staying up half the night watching the Tour de France.
    if none of that first paragraph strikes a chord with you this link is not for you.....Andy Schlecks lead up to the tour....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgg4dA0SglI

    you are not the only tragic here...

    The Australian TYP 901 register is forum for enthusiasts who pay homage to this remarkable machine.
    Richard Griffiths
    1970 911T 2.8


      Ha yeah I remember that thread but unfortunately the whole fixie thing is a joke I dont get, I see them in the inner city and saw heaps when we went to melbourne, but generally speaking my bikes are chosen to cover the greatest distance in the shortest amount of time, MTB and road. There is 6hr enduro here next weekend in a disused quarry that requires me to have 100mm of suspension at both ends and plenty of gears.


        I used to be a BMX champion. Then I grew up, got fat and lazy :p

        I've just started cycling to and from work again and am trying to slowly built up some cycle fitness
        John Forcier
        1969 2.7RS spec 911B(astard)
        1968 2.0S spec 911 Race Car
        Restoration Saga
        1962 CB77 P3 TT Race Bike (looking for another engine)


          Good one John, once a champion always a champion. Masters Games comeback? I hear there are a few past champions (of various sports) amongst members.



            any takers? and if so should use this http://reviews.cnet.com/8301-13746_7-20006474-48.html


              with all seriousness though I am going to do the ride. on the 18th Septmber. Friend of a friend last night in Canberra was hit by a car - didn't stop.

