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Lemans 24 hour coverage

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    Lemans 24 hour coverage

    This is only a few weeks away, and I was wondering if anyone can suggest where this might be telecast? We don't have time for fox, and watching it on the laptop does not seem appropriate for such a grand race.

    Autohaus Hamilton in Sydney have had a a lemans night at a pub in Willoughby the last few years and I thought I'd put the idea out there and suggest it for Melbourne .

    Find a nice (and cooperative) pub with a private room where we can get together to watch the last few hours of Lemans.

    The 919 is proven this year , and given it was leading with only 2 hours to go last year we may see a Porsche win... Perhaps for weber and Hartley?

    What say you all?
    Justin Reed
    aka Reedminor
    1968 911L #11810329 (SOLD)
    1977 911 Carrera 3.0 #911760765
    1961 356B #114700
    Instagram: reedminor

    Justin, I bought the iPhone app last year for the season and have done the same this season. I then stream the live coverage to my AppleTV and it is brilliant!

    As for coverage. I am not sure if PC Melbourne will be again doing something, but stay tuned to that.

    Either way it will be an entertaining night/day/night.
    Alex Webster
    A few Porsches in the shed


      Thanks Alex,

      Is it the wec app - or is there another one I need?
      Justin Reed
      aka Reedminor
      1968 911L #11810329 (SOLD)
      1977 911 Carrera 3.0 #911760765
      1961 356B #114700
      Instagram: reedminor


        WEC app. That is right.
        Alex Webster
        A few Porsches in the shed

