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Fed Square October 30th

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    For those who are wondering Mark has done a great job on his car it looked fabulous
    Clyde Boyer
    TYP 901 Register Inc.
    Early S Register Member #294


      Do you have word back on what caused the yellow car to fail to proceed yet Clyde?
      Justin Reed
      aka Reedminor
      1968 911L #11810329 (SOLD)
      1977 911 Carrera 3.0 #911760765
      1961 356B #114700
      Instagram: reedminor


        Installed a new CDI and it runs again but very poorly so something else is amiss it seems. No sign of that on Sunday though, it just shut down.

        Spoken to Kurt at Partsklassik and he believes excess heat inside the CDI has caused a solder to break (we can hear a rattle in the CDI ) and he believes he can help pin point the issue once he sees where the solder has broken from

        I have sent it to him via expreess today so we wait and see.

        Clyde Boyer
        TYP 901 Register Inc.
        Early S Register Member #294


          Solder melts at 180. That's hot for a CDI! ?


            Yes Kurt was concerned about that!!!

            No more driving until we get a bead on what is happening
            Clyde Boyer
            TYP 901 Register Inc.
            Early S Register Member #294


              Hi Mark

              You could load the video to somewhere like youtube and then then link it to your post
              Uwe Imhoff
              TYP901 Website Mechanic


                It was great to meet some of the local Typ901 crew having only had my Targa for a few weeks. The weather was great (unusual for Melbourne), and some of the other 911's/912's present were very impressive. And a good bunch of guys as well...

                Managed to pick up the film I shot on the day, and have picked a few photos to include below. The photos have a bit of a different feel, thanks to the film...which I like at any rate.

                For those interested: the camera was a Leica IIIF (1955) and lenses were a Leica Summitar 50mm F2 (1948) and Canon LTM 28mm F3.5 (1963)- sorry, not numbers matching...film was Kodak Portra 400. If anyone would like a higher-resolution picture of their car, let me know...

                Last edited by remi; 04-11-16, 08:48 PM.


                  Great shots, "Different feel"hit's the nail on the head.
                  I like the colours and reflections.
                  Jap del 75 911 lhd 3.2


                    Fantastic shots. German engineering in a comfort zone. Well done and welcome to the club.


                      Fantastic shots Remi. The reflections on the cars are brilliant.............and even Hugh's head has come up a treat.
                      Don't forget members, we need photos for the calendar to be submitted by Friday this week - see calendar thread by Mark.
                      Peter Williams #049
                      Secretary TYP901
                      1971 2.2T light ivory (36407-H)

