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Membership report and Finance update

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    Membership report and Finance update

    I spent some time today updating and getting the membership records and financial records back on track for the end of the financial year. There has been a lot happening in my life recently with new businesses, losing my dad and all the related issues created by those events so I apologise for not getting the magazine out but its all out effort in the next week or 2 to get the next one on your coffee table

    Membership renewal emails will be sent shortly and there is no need for us too increase fees at all as the club is funding itself nicely and with 39 new members in the last twelve months we had 111 actual members as of June 30th, 2007. Not bad for a small group that is still growing.

    Expenses are kept to a minimum, as is time, by using the electronic medium and only 3 members are not "on line" . The most significant time input comes from Erwin who controls this site with absolute skill and from putting the magazine together.

    NSW membership certainly has grown rapidly in the last 12 months as there are now more NSW members than in Victoria great effort guys.

    Now how about some of you make an effort and get some more pics happening on this site, we need many more photos and stories of your great cars to keep this site new, refreshing and entertaining for current members and prospective members

    Membership Manager/Treasurer and Magazine Editior
    Clyde Boyer
    TYP 901 Register Inc.
    Early S Register Member #294

    From the point of view of a Melbourne member who so far has particpated in a few things and not actually helped run things, I'd like to thank the committee and others for putting the hours in to keeping the show on the road. It is a smallish club so it can be hard to get the numbers required to make an event viable or interesting, but from the look of all things being organised at present (as well as routine admin things) there's a lot of hard yakka going on behind the scenes. And I noticed the other day that Erwin has been running the website for a shade over a year now with nary a hiccup. That doesn't just 'happen'. Thanks too, Erwin.
    John H

    70 T


      No worries, I have some ideas for the site to improve it - maybe change the look a bit, add some more features. But if it ain't broke, don't try to fix it is what I say...


        A quick post while the new missus has a nap......and doesn't bust me on the computer on honeymoon!! Let me tell you the Northen beaches of Cairns are very hard to take at the moment!

        Clyde, very sorry to hear about your loss.

        A big thanks from me for all of the efforts from the committee and others. As one of the more remote members this site is a very important way of keeping in touch with fellow owners and learning more about our cars.

        I'd also like to echo a couple of other members in their requests to have more / new photos added by old and new members alike. I think its a very big part of what keeps this site interesting, especially for those of us that don't have the opportunity to go for drives & gatherings with other members on a regular basis.

        Cheers, Cam
        Cam Arnott
        Looking for engine #6208151
        1970 911E (Sold)
        '71 911 S/T Replica 2.3 (Sold)
        2 x Split Screen Kombis
        TYP 901 Register # 78
        Early S Registry # 1076

