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RS colour change

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    RS colour change

    Well my RS is meant to be Bright yellow but thought I might repaint the wheels and re do the graphics to white/blue. Need your help folks what say you!

    was going to do a poll but don't know how to
    Attached Files
    Clyde Boyer
    TYP 901 Register Inc.
    Early S Register Member #294

    I don't know....seems like every clone that was built in the 70s and 80s ended up white with blue, so even though it looks good it seems a bit done to death for me even if it's on a real one...but what the hell - if you're not repainting the right colour yet then you may as well choose the colour combo you like the best and to hell with the originality pundits (jeez am I saying this to you?)!

    But I do think the graphics need replacing as they are a bit untidy and the wheels could do with a paint as I have noticed they are a little untidy too (sorry).

    BTW - before you ask...I don't have the Carrera RS graphics set up as they would be a bitch to tidy up artwork for. There were some available locally for a while but I have seen them and they are ****. Best to buy some from OS that are right and then if you need help to fit them I can lend a hand (as long as you're not breathing down my neck as I would be liable to stuff them up then ops: ).



      i agree that blue / white seems to be the colour that everyone uses and is "boring" even as original.

      I like the red / white better but why not try Green. you hardly see any in green and they were original colour. seeing yours should be yellow anyway why not experiment?
      Attached Files
      Hugh Hodges
      1973 E
      Australian TYP 901 Register #005
      Early 911S Register #776





          Black with red stripes.
          Same as the Thackwell RSR.
          Bloody hot but ,still,you do live in Melbourne ! :lol:



            Go back to yellow, viper green and black or go with Hugh's suggestion..

            I don't know why but I'm very partial to green

            Justin R
            Justin Reed
            aka Reedminor
            1968 911L #11810329 (SOLD)
            1977 911 Carrera 3.0 #911760765
            1961 356B #114700
            Instagram: reedminor



              Given your incredible dedication to originality on the Targa I sense the wheel decal thing is just a frustrated cry for inspiration before plunging into a body off respray back to bright yellow...either that or Ive eaten too much chocolate tonight !!



                If Andrew is right I would suggest Green script and wheels on the yellow car... Looks great!!!
                Chuck Miller
                The Australian TYP 901 Register #062
                Early 911S Registry #109 - Creative Advisor/Message Board Moderator
                R Gruppe #88


                  sorry to be boring, but i vote going back to yellow
                  i'm sure everyone has seen pictures, but here are some again (you can never get too much of a good thing !!!)
                  Attached Files


                    The colour change is only temprorary and applies to wheels and decals only

                    Car will definately be going back to yellow if paint is applied!!!
                    Clyde Boyer
                    TYP 901 Register Inc.
                    Early S Register Member #294


                      green decals and wheels then...

                      Justin Reed
                      aka Reedminor
                      1968 911L #11810329 (SOLD)
                      1977 911 Carrera 3.0 #911760765
                      1961 356B #114700
                      Instagram: reedminor

