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Two T's for 2.2

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    Two T's for 2.2

    This morning KYJ 911 had her first meeting with her sister from the States.
    Clyde was certainly accurate in his enthusiastic appraisal that his new 2.2T was very original. I was particularly interested to compare the condition of his car with that of KYJ when I purchased it 5 years ago (is it that long) - after it had been in storage for about 10 yrs. Clydes 2.2T is certainly superior - although it does have similar small defects that is expected of a 35 year old car - minor paint colour differences, shopping trolley 'dints', rough extractors and heat exchangers, dodgy front shockers. However, the bonus with Clydes car - is that it's come with a bag of NOS replacement parts.

    With a bit of work, Clyde should have his new T up to the standard of KYJ in no time.

    See attached photos.
    Attached Files
    Peter Williams #049
    Secretary TYP901
    1971 2.2T light ivory (36407-H)

    Peter , your right, Clyde's T is one exceptional car, he brought down to Spyder the other day to show it off! I guess Lisa and I are a bit immune to Clyde owned cars, as they are all pretty good. Mind you there is pretty Good and then there is PRETTY GOOD !!

