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Brown dash with separate speaker grill

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    Brown dash with separate speaker grill

    Can anyone tell me what cars would have had a brown dash with seperate speaker grill?

    Originally posted by Bremith View Post
    Can anyone tell me what cars would have had a brown dash with seperate speaker grill?
    Maybe 74/75 something I have never seen a pre 74 with anyhting but a black dash and I think the sperate speaker grille stopped in 76 (happy to be corrected on that however)

    Someone may have painted an earlier dash also,
    Clyde Boyer
    TYP 901 Register Inc.
    Early S Register Member #294


      I've been doing a lot of searching for interiors and can't say I've found a brown/tan dash at all. Having said that, I contacted John Pisani who is doing the repros and he indicated they can be skinned in any colour...

      I did find this interior, and it's kinda doing my biscuit
      Attached Files
      John Forcier
      1969 2.7RS spec 911B(astard)
      1968 2.0S spec 911 Race Car
      Restoration Saga
      1962 CB77 P3 TT Race Bike (looking for another engine)


        Hmm Jeff Smiths car 71S if my memory is correct
        Clyde Boyer
        TYP 901 Register Inc.
        Early S Register Member #294


          Is it factory Clyde?
          John Forcier
          1969 2.7RS spec 911B(astard)
          1968 2.0S spec 911 Race Car
          Restoration Saga
          1962 CB77 P3 TT Race Bike (looking for another engine)


            I am told by usually very reliable source that the dash in question is NOS and brown (tan?) from factory


              If it has a removeable grille I have to believe its a 74 or 75 and my knowledge of those years is sketchy but they had chequered material in the seats so brown dashes highly not out of the realsm of possability.
              Clyde Boyer
              TYP 901 Register Inc.
              Early S Register Member #294


                Originally posted by Fishcop View Post
                Is it factory Clyde?
                Yes I think it was special order from factory...not by Jeff but previous owner.
                Clyde Boyer
                TYP 901 Register Inc.
                Early S Register Member #294

