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ProStitch were the recommended ones but I found that while they were helpful, they were not good communicators and didn't follow through on what was offered/suggested in my case. I went overseas to buy my dash after several attempts to go with ProStitch. However, I know others have found them reasonable.
There's no doubt Prostitch occasionally loses the ball on communication... But if you can persevere and are not in a hurry, they do to a terrific job. Prostitch have the proper vacuum forming gear to re-skin a dash with a very close to original grain, or they can do a custom job (normally leather and you will see stitching like the factory does it in later cars).
Your car is probably special/valuable enough to consider buying one of the new reproductions. Yes $3k is ridiculous, but it is a 74 carrera...
John Forcier 1969 2.7RS spec 911B(astard) 1968 2.0S spec 911 Race Car Restoration Saga
1962 CB77 P3 TT Race Bike (looking for another engine)
I am sure ProStitch are a good mob also. Scott, give Dashboard Restorations in Acacia Ridge, Bris South, a call. They did a vacuum reskin of my fallible Alfa dash. Not sure what they do these days.