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Brexit wins, Pound tumbles: early 911 values ?

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    IIRC, the written agreement under the referendum process, allows for a second vote if the % in favour is less than 60% and the response/voting rate under 75%. It was under in both cases and the "leave" lobby said they would have invoked that provision if they had lost. The UK will break up otherwise and make an isolated England/Wales very exposed.


      Interesting developments over the weekend now that its all sinking in. A 2nd vote could prove very interesting, but then if Remain wins, will it be a best of 3 ?

      Paper/Rock/Scissors ?
      sigpicPhil Lack
      TYP901 Register Inc. # 002 (Founding President)
      Early 911-S Registry # 690
      R-Gruppe # 367
      '72 911E 2.4 Coupe (SOLD)
      '15 MB CLA 250 Sport Shooting Brake - daily
      2012 BMW 1M Coupe 6-spd (for sale)
      1974 FIAT 124 Sport coupe


        The old saying. "If in doubt, do nothing"


          "Bregret" (just heard that on the radio)


            Correct me if I'm wrong, but it was a plebiscite as opposed to a constitutional referendum? As I understand it there is no "obligation" for a government to follow the result of a plebiscite (which is the argument being used about Australia's potential Gay Marriage bill).

            I know it would be an extremely brave move for a government not to follow through with the result of a plebiscite/referendum - but if Cameron went to the next election on a "Stay" promise, that could effectively be a defacto second vote?
            John Forcier
            1969 2.7RS spec 911B(astard)
            1968 2.0S spec 911 Race Car
            Restoration Saga
            1962 CB77 P3 TT Race Bike (looking for another engine)


              One of the issues is that both sides of politics said they would go with the result and there are leave and stay people in both sides, although in total the politicians would overwhelmingly be in the stay camp. Now I know that it now normal for promises by politicians to be seen as aspirational statements that may or may not be followed once in government but I can't see how they would just say "no it is a silly idea" and get away with it. Also the UK has fixed term elections with the next not due to 2020 and although there are ways to get around that (like the government losing a confidence motion on the floor of the house) it is hard to see either that happening in the required time frame or two opposing parties going to a general election with one having a stay platform and the other having a leave one. This whole mess started with Cameron trying to outflank some of the more extreme /populist elements of his party and stop them defecting. It has backfired spectacularly and given a massive boost to populists around the world, and in particularly in Europe, and the whole world will have to bear the consequences. It shows what happens when you break rule number 1 in politics " don't ask a question unless you are 100% certain you know the answer to it".
              Last edited by HughH; 27-06-16, 11:43 AM. Reason: Rephrase to get rid of double negative
              Hugh Hodges
              1973 E
              Australian TYP 901 Register #005
              Early 911S Register #776


                And I thought this thread would be all about the effect on early 911 prices.......
                sigpicPhil Lack
                TYP901 Register Inc. # 002 (Founding President)
                Early 911-S Registry # 690
                R-Gruppe # 367
                '72 911E 2.4 Coupe (SOLD)
                '15 MB CLA 250 Sport Shooting Brake - daily
                2012 BMW 1M Coupe 6-spd (for sale)
                1974 FIAT 124 Sport coupe


                  Think consensus is that there is more in life than just 911 prices!!


                    In the current climate, I think we can say with certainty they will go up, down or sideways.


                      Originally posted by Bremith View Post
                      In the current climate, I think we can say with certainty they will go up, down or sideways.
                      I'm not so sure


                        John Glynn's write up... http://www.ferdinandmagazine.com/por...ices-brexit-uk
                        John Forcier
                        1969 2.7RS spec 911B(astard)
                        1968 2.0S spec 911 Race Car
                        Restoration Saga
                        1962 CB77 P3 TT Race Bike (looking for another engine)


                          I remember Sir Humphrey Appleby in a "Yes Minister" episode explaining to the Minister (who believed they should stay out) why they should go into the EU. "But, Minister its so we can get inside the EU and destroy it from within" ... how true.


                            Hi Sal

                            There was a great turn out, I think in the region of 70%, which is far greater than you would get for an election. Also there was a decent storm and flooding which would have dissuaded some last minute voters, most probably the remain vote.


                            Originally posted by stf911 View Post
                            Check out the number of people who didn't vote. Shameful.


                              I thought John Glynns writeup made sense. His website seems pretty well informed.
                              sigpicPhil Lack
                              TYP901 Register Inc. # 002 (Founding President)
                              Early 911-S Registry # 690
                              R-Gruppe # 367
                              '72 911E 2.4 Coupe (SOLD)
                              '15 MB CLA 250 Sport Shooting Brake - daily
                              2012 BMW 1M Coupe 6-spd (for sale)
                              1974 FIAT 124 Sport coupe


                                Hi Adam,

                                Yes. Point taken

