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    A friend of mine is looking at bringing this car in from Germany. I think he could do better ex US but would appreciate any comments from the collective wisdom of the register.



    see below...sorry
    Last edited by TonyC; 10-12-06, 10:10 PM.



      Is it restored or pristine original? (would want to be latter). Great original examples are now very rare and consequently who knows what cashed up enthusiasts/collectors are prepared to pay. Check out my ex 73E now back at CTS - I understand they are looking for circa $130K.

      What does he want to get out of it - investment? driver? concours?

      No matter it looks like too much to me on the basis of equivalent values here, but its the market that has the final say. You could buy a clean Oz 69T in RHD for $60K nowadays, but it would cost substantially more than another $30K to get it up to concours standard and it wouldnt be an "original" car anymore.

      Maybe your friend needs to know that corrosion issues arent as big a problem here as in Europe and that good clean driver, when and if one turns up, would be substantially cheaper than this one.


        I agree with Tony, what does your friend want to do with the car ? Drive it or look at it ?

        This dealers car does look nice but what are the hassles with shipping out of germany ? USA is hard enough....
        sigpicPhil Lack
        TYP901 Register Inc. # 002 (Founding President)
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        2012 BMW 1M Coupe 6-spd (for sale)
        1974 FIAT 124 Sport coupe


          Thanks Gents I will pass on the advice.

          He is looking for a genuine tidy sunday driver that can be used and improved over time.

          I will recommend he keeps looking.



            There will be a quite nice looking 2.2 T on the market in Melbourne soon, if it has not been sold already. I saw it in Carnegie about 3 weeks ago and spoke very briefly to the driver and told him about this website. It was white/light/ivory - sorry - and he was from interstate. Selling, as he was moving to a place in Melb where he could not garage it. As I don't have his contact deatils this is possibly useless info but I thought worth throwing in just in case. Engine lid lettering was gold, maybe Clyde will buy it to get his missing gold 'S'? I agree with Tony's comments, depends what he wants to use it for.

            John H

            70 T


              I know Peter Rohan who owns that car, he was from canberra and we had many emails over time and swapped lots of pics. It was a genuine Aussie car and looked good and he has done some work on it. Think it would be a good opportunity for someone.
              Clyde Boyer
              TYP 901 Register Inc.
              Early S Register Member #294



                If you happen to catch up with Peter and he is selling a few photo's and a guide price would be appreciated.



                  Will see if his email is still current haven't been in touch with him for ages.
                  Clyde Boyer
                  TYP 901 Register Inc.
                  Early S Register Member #294

