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Headlight 1-305-614-012?

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    about to power up my lights as per relay upgrade - has anyone gone to the extent of upgrading wiring through to the lights - or is it a red herring?

    thanks Michel



      I did not and have not had a problem. Not that you should take my unqualified advice on this

      Any photos of your install?

      I am in the process of redoing my install - using a Hella 4-Way Relay Box Kit hidden behind the luggage compartment liner. Part of cleaning up the luggage compartment and getting my wiring looking tidy.


        not yet though will send some pics once done - car is coming off the road next week to finally install konis and do a suspension steering refresh - bushes rubbers, bearings, turbo tie rods, and interior stuff including heater cables etc.

        Also sealing up the CDI and fitting that after rebuilding it with the help of a neighbour.

        I asked about upgrading the wiring through to the headlights as I had tripped over a thread on pelican about it and also an old skool electirician suggested it - though on balance all the reading I have done, would suggest it is not necessary?

        If you upgraded all the wiring through to the headlights could you even go higher with the wattage? Or still a red herring.


          Moved the relays behind the luggage liner, now the wiring looks much cleaner. Used a 4 way socket to connect to the existing headlight wiring in the harness, so no need to trim the existing wiring so reversible (though why someone would I have no idea)

