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Tesla has cracked 60,000 Model 3s

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    And one answer to the “yes but what happens to the batteries afterwards?” question:


      Model 3 sales so far (now approaching 100,000) all North America, Europe next

      Last edited by Bremith; 28-09-18, 08:11 AM.


        Started a new thread to better represent broader nature of content:

        New thread to continue and better reflect the intention of the content of this: https://www.typ901.org/forum/forum/off-topic/off-topic-aa/167750-tesla-has


          Almost 100,000 Model 3 now so ~35-40,000 in 45 days since this thread started. First time I have seen Tesla hit a target on time. Model 3 deliveries are reportedly a little higher than production (as, if I understand correctly, they had a backlog of cars to get out).

          A source speaking to Electrek, has reported that Tesla has met its very ambitious target of producing at least 50,000 Model 3’s over the third quarter of this year. The unofficial number is 51,000 of the entry-level ‘mass market’ Model 3. This brings the total number, counting Model X and S, to a healthy 77,400 fully electric automobiles.

          We’ll likely need to wait until the Q3 earnings call, later this month, for official numbers from the company.
          If these numbers indeed hold up to be accurate, this is a major achievement not just for Tesla but for the EV industry as a whole. Keep in mind the Chevy Bolt moves about 2,000 cars a month, and the more popular Nissan Leaf ships around 7,000 a month during healthy times.”

          Last edited by Bremith; 02-10-18, 08:45 AM.


            will be interesting to see if they have compromised on quality to get there...

            from what i have heard, the number of software updates to tesla's is quite staggering (meaning they are continuously tweaking and fixing bugs even after they have put their product to market).
            Richard Griffiths
            1970 911T 2.8


              Originally posted by griffiths_r View Post
              will be interesting to see if they have compromised on quality to get there...

              from what i have heard, the number of software updates to tesla's is quite staggering (meaning they are continuously tweaking and fixing bugs even after they have put their product to market).
              A technique they no doubt learnt from Microsoft........
              sigpicPhil Lack
              TYP901 Register Inc. # 002 (Founding President)
              Early 911-S Registry # 690
              R-Gruppe # 367
              '72 911E 2.4 Coupe (SOLD)
              '24 MB GLA35 AMG- daily
              2012 BMW 1M Coupe 6-spd (SOLD)
              1974 FIAT 124 Sport coupe


                Tesla (NOT ME PERSONALLY) says:

                Q3 deliveries totaled 83,500 vehicles: 55,840 Model 3, 14,470 Model S, and 13,190 Model X. To put this in perspective, in just Q3, we delivered more than 80% of the vehicles that we delivered in all of 2017, and we delivered about twice as many Model 3s as we did in all previous quarters combined.


                  Which means total of 94,269 Model 3 at 30/9/18 and production running around 4,000 a week.


                    Originally posted by Bremith View Post
                    Which means total of 94,269 Model 3 at 30/9/18 and production running around 4,000 a week.

                    More ****ing advertising.


                      Just so it is abundantly clear for anyone reading this thread, I have no interest - commercial, non-commrrcial, personal, financial, social or otherwise - in Tesla. At all. Other than a deep interest (as I think we all shd) in any organisation/product that advances reduction of CO2 emissions to reduce global warming. The transport sector is responsible for more than a quarter of emissions globally and passenger vehicles are a very large percentage of that. IMHO and FWIW no one right now is doing more right now to drive the shift to lower emissions vehicles than Tesla.

                      Advertising by definition requires a sponsor. As I don’t have one the worst a reader cd say is “more things I am not interested in” or “more things I disagree with” or “who is this idiot and doesn’t be have something better to do?” or “why doesn’t he just post something in one of the Pro or Anti Tesla echo chambers rather than polluting our 901 Forum etc. I ain’t making anyone read it. And if someone has a differing view, why not share it and contribute something rather than just snipe?

                      Not sure how anyone can contest hard, published production and sales figures? Is Bloomberg “advertising”?? I think not.

                      not at all hard to see opinions on Tesla either way:

                      As a German engineer, I am today more than ever concerned about the ability of our auto industry to survive and prosper. I write this as a person who loves his country, the people, and my fast German car, a true masterpiece of technology.


                        The thread needs to be deleted.

                        Clearly it’s not in the interest of the TYP901 to be bombarded with copied and pasted rhetoric about this company.


                          100,000 now...


                            Total Jul/Aug/Sep 2018 sales:

                            Last edited by Bremith; 18-10-18, 07:04 AM.


                              An interesting fact to consider about charging EV's. I recently read an article about Owners Corporations now having to consider how they will modify (and pay for) changes to infrastrucyture in apartment buildings to accommodate charging of EV's in shared garages. Not all tenants have a car, let alone an EV. And how will electricity be metered so teh EV user pays for energy they use ? Some building have individual meters on the level where the apartment is located. Imagine having to co-locate another meter on the 27th floor but with the EV charging station in the basement ?

                              The article posed the dilemma faced by Owners Corporations who now have to plan for these changes and figure out who pays.. In some cases, the feed in power to the building is not sufficient to accommodate a large uptake of EV's all being charged (say) overnight. I also muse about driving any long distance in an EV, getting to a charging station and finding a lineup of cars also awaiting charge. How long would you have to wait to get on your way again ?

                              And if we get a large uptake of EV's where is all the power to charge them going to come from ?
                              sigpicPhil Lack
                              TYP901 Register Inc. # 002 (Founding President)
                              Early 911-S Registry # 690
                              R-Gruppe # 367
                              '72 911E 2.4 Coupe (SOLD)
                              '24 MB GLA35 AMG- daily
                              2012 BMW 1M Coupe 6-spd (SOLD)
                              1974 FIAT 124 Sport coupe


                                All good questions and under serious consideration eg by Dept Enetgy in Qld.

                                re impact on grid/source of energy I included a link at #66 which has pretty detailed info:

                                The interface between the network and users is going to be a massive area of change over the coming years as we go from almost mechanical counting devices to super smart meters and vehicle to grid technology etc. Quite straightforward to measure draw from a charge point and attrulibute to a tenant. The big issue is not whether all these issues will be resolvable but how. Eg say you had a block of 10 units with 10 EVs each with 100kwh batteries. That is 1 megawatt hour of storage which is huge. That cd store power from renewables during the day and discharge when sun isn’t shining. I think the market will sort out the best solutions, power generators have a big vested interest in making it work.

                                same with fast charging - qld govt is installing to encourage but at some point I wd predict petrol stations will start transitioning to charging stations.

                                all the evidence to date is that 99% of charging by 99% of EV users is done with slow charging in the home/work environment. (Statistically Not many people very often hop in their car with a full tank of petrol and drive 400 or 500 kms without stopping. Same is true of Ev. If you wanted to drive to Cairns like that in Qld you cd - just plan around the Superchargers, plug in and by the time you get back from the toilet with a coffee you’ll gave another big slug of charge in the car and you don’t gave to stand there holding the plug. And Batteries getting more energy dense, cheaper, charging quicker and lasting longer.

                                and given that Australians average 2+ cars a household I wd imagine that where needed people will retain 1 ICE vehicle until EV can meet all their needs.

